1. Det er meget sjeldent det skjer at det kommer et produkt som revolusjonerer det som allerede har eksistert i mange mange år, og spesielt at det skjer med et produkt som har utallige varianter over 2 temaer, nemlig tonearmer der enten tangential eller en eller annen form for pivot arm har eksistert i over 100år.

    Det er fordeler og bakdeler med begge systemer, og Viv labs har nå laget en arm "uten" lager(armen flyter i en magnetisk olje) og har ingen annen kontakt enn det.
    Det gjør at den ikke trenger offset og antiscating, DVS at armrøret er rett og trenger ikke overhang - men fungerer med "underhang".

    Sporingsfeilen blir da en mellomting mellom en tangential og radial arm, med fordelene til begge.

    Testene og omtalene bare forsterker det som allerede er sagt, og vi har nå testet armen i over 1år på fem forskjellige drivverk fra 10000 til 240 000 og får samme effekt fra alle, dette er en av de beste tonearmene jeg har forsøkt etter 30 år med analog og jeg har testet MYE, men selvfølgelig ikke allt.

    Finishen er også i særklasse (den er jo fra Japan) og den leveres som 7" (passer der 9" vanligvis står) - 9" (passer der 12" vanligvis står)
    og 13" (passer ikke noen plass der vanlige armer står) men kan settes på egen plinth utenfor spilleren.

    Den er meget lett å plassere da du ikke trenger å bore huller i spilleren, bare plasser den der den skal stå.

    7"    kr 36900
    9"    kr 39900
    13"  kr 42900

    ViV Lab. "Rigid Float/Ha" tonearm

    The Rigid Float tonearm is abrand new STRAIGHT tonearm design with (magneto-fluid) OILFLOATED PIVOT and NO OFFSET-ANGLE structure. Veryeasy installation, just to put anywhere - no mounting neccassary. It now comeswith the original Nelson Hold headshell.

    ViV Lab RigidFloat tonearm
    § OIL FLOATED PIVOT - ViV Lab's original oil floatedpivot (magneto-fluid = magnetically induced oil) not only gives perfect bearingperformance but also isolates the arm from the vibration via floor orturntable.
    At the same time this pivot shuts out the reflection of thevibration generated by the stylus. As a result, the sound has highest puritywith high dynamics, sharp focus and very low distortion.
    We are sure no one hasever experienced such a sound from vinyl disks.
    § NO OFFSET-ANGLE STRUCTURE- We believe that elbow shaped arms with offset angle and overhang settingseriously affect the sound quality because of side force fluctuation which cannever be cancelled by an anti-skating mechanism. So we dare to choose acompletely straight structure. You may ask"...what about trackingerrors?", and the answer is - the tracking error is a little biggerbut the sound is better. You can hear no distortion even withthe 7" model.
    § EASY INSTALLATION - Unlike other tonearms, "RigidFloat/Ha" is very easy to install. You don't have to drill yourturntable plinth. Just put it anywhere on the turntable plinth. You can alsoput it outside the plinth of your turntable, f.i. the 13" version of thetonearm (template for optimum installation provided).
    § Silk jacketed 4N silver inner wire and rhodiumplated terminals ensure minimum signal loss.
    § Available in 3 lengths - 7", 9" and13" and 2 color variations - Black/Metallic and Black/Gold.
    § Latest version of the tonearm (Rigid Float/Ha)provides easy Azimuth adjustment.
    § The Rigid Float/Ha tonearm comeswith ViV Lab's original "Nelson Hold" headshell.This headshell provides a special "Press Screw" thatcan be tightened or loosened for resonance control of the cartridge.

    RecommendedComponent Award 2014 by the "stereophile" magazine(USA) October 2014
    Product of the Year 2013 Award bythe "image hifi" magazine (Germany) December 2013
    Most Wanted Component 2013 Award by"The StereoTimes" (USA) December 2013
    MichaelFremer, Stereophile (Aug. 2014):NEW!
    "...the midrange was gloriously smooth and images were rock-solidlythree-dimensional. Bass was meaty and full bodied, yet well controlled....mytake is that the Rigid Float - either because of its underhung geometry, or itsnon-grounded bearing system, or both - has a singularly smooth, lush sound thatsome listeners will instantly crave..."

    Clement Perry, StereoTimes Publisher's note (Jan.2014):
    "...I too must concur with Stephen's assessment of this unique andinnovative arm. Mine is the 9" variation and it provides a remarkablesense of neutrality coupled with scale and textures never realized from myanalogue rig..."
    Check it out
    Stephen Yan, The StereoTimes (Jan. 2014):
    "...but if you really wish to find out whether your system has beenpapering over some sonic cracks and cross-compensating for some auralshortcoming with lucky unplanned system synergies, or simply holding back yourcartridge’s true potential, then by all means give the RF a try. You willemerge with a better system, and one from which you will have learnt somethingvaluable. At the end of the day, that truly is what a tonearm is supposed to do- just the truth and nothing else, thank you ma’am..."
    Check itout
    Thomas Schmidt, LP Magazine Germany (Nov. 2013)wrote:
    "...I cannot say exactly which of the innovations makes the difference,but the Rigid Float tone arm is without a doubt an absolutely, uniquelyexceptional phenomenon in analog sound reproduction..."

    "...the Rigid Float tone arm improves eventhe best systems to a quality that hasn't been heard before - and that by high(such as Van den Hul The Condor) or by extremely low (Miyajima Shilabe)compliance..."Check out the entire review
    Stephen Yan, The StereoTimes (Oct. 2013) wrote:
    "...the RF tonearm can be very strongly and enthusiasticallyrecommended!"

    "...because it is so transparent and neutral,it will brutally and honestly tell you what you may not know about yoursystem... it’s like an implacable polygraph device..."
    " will, definitely and most assuredly,thank the RF for giving the truth to you, at a price which, while not cheap,actually costs less than many high end pick-ups on the market nowadays. Fromthis perspective, and considering the amount of technology and innovationpacked into this device, I believe my use of the word 'bargain' is notmisplaced..."
    " in case you were interested, yes, Ibought the review sample." Check outthe entire review
    Uwe Kirbach, image hifi Germany (Jan. 2013) wrote:
    "...this arm is nothing short of an audiophile sensation! ...therecordings sound strikingly direct and immediate, with intense dynamics. Drumsand percussions come without restraintment, lively, with great three-dimensionality,depth and micro details...

    "...even when not perfectly setup the RigidFloat always played clean and clear, powerful with authority - it was alwaysimmediatley obvious that we have something special here... "
    "...I know of no other similar superior,compatible tone arm. I can't say what percentage of this is due to the geniusbearings and what percent is because of the the skating-free straight arm...The resulting impression of ordinary tone arms is comparable to perfectionizingthe chassis of a car on a gravel road, while the Japanese arm glides onasphalt, or better said, on oil." Read the entire review: PART 1, PART 2

    ViVLab Rigid Float tonearm 7" and 9" versions