Kid Thomas
Produsent: Pear Audio
Pris: 60000 til 65000 avhengig av finish
Kid Thomas er toppmodellen til Pear Audio og egentlig en hyllest til Tom Fletcher og det beste som noensinne er laget av han eller hans tradisjon.
Den bruker et spesielt treslag som er beardeidet og lagret på en spesiell måte, det er et lett forholdvis mykt tre som var blandt de tingene Tom Fletcher jobbet med for å forbedre gamle allerede legendariske disign.
Peter hos Pear Audio var med på og sammen med Tom på hele denne utviklingen og meget tro mot Tom og hans filosofi og prinsipper som har utviklet seg gjennom prøving og feiling i nesten 40 år.
Dette treet brukes også i de andre spillerene unntatt Robin Hood.
Kid Thomas har både alle hifi messige parametre i orden, men det som gjør den unik sammen med Cornet 2 tonearmen er en fantastisk musikalitet- med det mener jeg evnen til å trenge igjennom musikken og framføre den med en tone og nerve som som er vanedannende, samt at timingen og det å gjøre all musikk spennende er uten sidestykke uansett pris. Din siste platrespiller? Det er min- vil heller leve med denne enn alt annet jeg har hatt eller har hørt, for å spille hifi finnes det helt sikkert "bedre" spillere - men musikk!!!!!
Kid Thomas
Our goal was to make the best possible turntable, period! Every detail, right down to special bearing oil, developed exclusively for Pear Audio Analogue, demonstrates that we examine every detail and leave nothing to chance. The meticulous choice of materials, even in the most apparently trivial places resulted in a - magnificent marriage of materials. The Kid Thomas is our crowning achievement.
Pear Audio Blue handcrafted turntables & tonearm represents Tom Fletcher's (Nottingham Analogue) triumphant last designs in the pursuit of the ultimate turntable. The top model, Kid Thomas, is made to the deliver the ultimate in analogue playback. With a solid dual-layer wood plinth, a massive platter and a separate ultra low-torque AC synchronous motor for extremely speed stability, that also drastically reduces energy transfer to the platter, resulting in a ultra-quiet musical turntable with superior tempo, flow and timing. A turntable where every part is sonically in-phase - the whole is worth more than the sum of it’s parts. $9995, including the arm and separate power supply.
The Kid Thomas is the flagship turntable from Pear Audio Blue.
The goal for the Kid Thomas was to make the best possible turntable, period! Every detail, right down to special bearing oil, developed exclusively for Pear Audio Analogue, demonstrates that every detail is examined and leaves nothing to chance. The meticulous choice of materials, even in the most apparently trivial places results in a magnificent marriage of materials.
The design principles of the Kid Thomas have been taken to their fullest potential, regardless of cost. The result is a uniquely sublime turntable in sonic harmony, able to reproduce the momentum, the timbre and the excitement of your music, just as you would experience a live concert. The Kid Thomas Pear Audio Analogue's crowning achievement.
The Pear Audio Blue Kid Thomas Turntable & Cornet 2 tonearm have both been awarded a Class A rating in Stereophile’s Recommended Components 2015, in their separate categories. The Kid Thomas is the lowest priced turntable with a Class A rating.
"The Pear Audio Analogue Kid Thomas turntable and Cornet 2 tonearm produced a rich, expansive midrange and a smooth, neutral tonal Balance. The phrase Rich and Creamy came to mind."
"that midrange was something special, with black backgrounds and tape -like musical flow and drive."
Michael Fremer - stereophile
My friend Tom Fletcher likened most modern audio products to a brass violin:
"Pretty to look at but not something you'd want to try to play music on! We don't want to make brass violins, no matter how many
we could sell.“
With this simple phrase, Tom’s philosophy about music and audio design is crystalised.
At Pear Audio Analogue we have a passionate commitment to hand-build fine instruments for the playback of recorded music.
We’re not interested in the quick and easy answer, but believe objects of real worth take time to create.
First and foremost, our team never forgets that what we’re trying to capture is - music.
Without music there is no purpose.
All aspects, from the size and shape of the parts to the materials they are made from, are subservient to the music.
Even the finish applied to various parts is carefully considered with respect to the effect it would have on the music. If making
something shinier results in poorer sound, we will find a different finish.
Every last detail, down to the type of rubber used in the feet on the plinth, has been tested for resonance characteristics and is then listened
to by trained ears. Nothing is left to whim.
The design of our turntables and tonearms follow a key philosophy - achieve a magnificent marriage of materials. Each material, on its own, might be common and unremarkable, but the way materials perform together, to maintain the proper phase of energy throughout the system, is how the magic begins.
No frequency is overly diminished or amplified. No frequency is overly damped or allowed to sustain. Every bit of energy is carefully managed across the spectrum, from the motor itself, through the tone-arm and in the stylus as it is driven by the grooves on the record.
Thus a turntable where the whole is worth more than the sum of its parts is created.
From the ultra-low torque motor, to the mechanically damped unipivot tone-arms, these seemingly simple-looking turntables have loads of clever engineering skill concealed within them.
Give a Blue a spin today!